Scott Piegza

Founder & Program Leader

Scott Piegza has been involved in ice hockey for nearly fifty years as a player, coach, fan, linesman, and referee. He started officiating in 2015, quickly learning just how different the game really is when wearing the striped sweater. 

As an official, Scott developed an entirely new level of understanding of the game, as well as great respect for the level of dedication and investment that’s required of players, coaches, administrators, and fellow officials.

Over the past few seasons, Scott witnessed countless times when officials were treated with such disrespect that he just couldn’t passively watch what was happening any longer. In January 2023, he formed WhyTheWhistle?!? (WTW?!?) to address the rampant abuse and inappropriate behavior being exhibited both on and off the ice.

Scott lives in Southern Vermont with his two dogs Levi & Zee and still travels thousands of miles to officiate over 350 games throughout the Northeast each year.

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Associate & Program Leader

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Our Amazing Staff

The Backbone of Our Organization

The way things are now in this sport IS NOT OK. Starting with a select group of similar-minded colleagues, we are committing to take a leadership role in educating and proactively interacting with players, coaches, parents, families and fans.

We aren’t interested in complaining or assigning blame, but genuinely want to find solutions that everyone can accept and implement. We will develop a set of tools to facilitate an alignment between on-ice officials and those for whom we officiate.